Nicolas du Mont MD Organizational, Adult, Adolescent, Child and Substance Psychiatrist, Consultant in Health User Experience (UX/UI), Code Programming for Apps, and Digital Marketing.
Nicolas du Mont MDOrganizational, Adult, Adolescent, Child and Substance Psychiatrist, Consultant in Health User Experience (UX/UI), Code Programming for Apps, and Digital Marketing. 

Contact us

You can reach us during regular visiting hours by phone or e-mail:

Nicolas du Mont MD
P.O. Box 250884
New York, NY 10025
Phone: (212) 787-8168
Fax Phone:
(212) 579-3306
E-mails: and
Contact Hours:
By appointment only. You must call and make an appointment first to be seen. You can not make an appointment by email.


Nicolas du Mont MD
Inwood Community Services
651 Academy Street # 2
New York, NY 10034
Phone: 212 942-0043
Fax Phone: (212) 579-3306 
Contact Hours:
By appointment only. You must call and make an appointment first to be seen. You can not make an appointment by email.


Nicolas du Mont MD
Puerto Rican Family Institute
145 West 15th Street
New York, NY 10011
Phone: 212 229-6915
Fax Phone: (212) 579-3306
Contact Hours:
By appointment only. You must call and make an appointment first to be seen. You can not make an appointment by email.


You can call to:

  • (212) 787-8168
  • (212) 942-0043
  • (212) 229-6905



We will like to hear from you! Write us using this email! (Note: any type of email you send to us doesn't entails any kind of therapeutic contract or service as it's not possible to provide you service by internet to you or to any person, or any type of clinical recommendation of treatment, or any similar type of service). Be mindful that if you send us an email, it should be only to ask how to make an appointment. Please, do not write here any confidential information! Please, also be aware that you can not make an appointment by email. We appreciate your understanding.

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Schedule an Appointment

Nicolas du Mont MD
P.O. Box 250884

New York, NY  10025
Phone: (212) 787-8168
Fax: (212) 579-3306
Hours: By Appointment Only

Other telephones you could call:

  • (212) 787-8168
  • (212) 942-0043
  • (212) 229-6905

Or use our contact form.


Please, call for an appointment to any of the numbers listed. If you send an email, should be for
questions of how to make an appointment or how to arive to one of the sites we are available. We can not provide any service by email, online or any type of similar communication. All services are provided in person only. Do not give personal or confidential information here, as we can not help you if you are not seen in person. We appreciate your understanding!

Office Hours

By appointment


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© Nicolas du Mont MD