Nicolas du Mont MD Organizational, Adult, Adolescent, Child and Substance Psychiatrist, Consultant in Health User Experience (UX/UI), Code Programming for Apps, and Digital Marketing.
Nicolas du Mont MDOrganizational, Adult, Adolescent, Child and Substance Psychiatrist, Consultant in Health User Experience (UX/UI), Code Programming for Apps, and Digital Marketing. 

Clinical Psychiatry

Clinical psychiatric carre for adults, adolescents, children and substance abuse problems.



(UX) User Experience & Mobile Code Developer for Apple devices

User Experience (UX) Design and Mobile Code Development for Apple devices (swift language) for healthcare done by a physician.



Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing with emphasis in healthcare, done by a physician.



The complete state of any Human Being's Health is always more than the sum of all the parts. Health is a verb, a path, a road for your own happiness and fulfillment.

Dr. Du Mont has an extensive experience as a psychiatrist since 1990, has been an academic professional in different positions since 1992, over 12 years as a clinical administrator, over 10 years as a community-based organization executive, with experience as research psychiatrist for four years and trained in digital marketing, UX/UI user experience. We also can create an for app (using Swift programming language) for Apple devices. So, basically, we can create from the beginning an Apple app. We can also create an app or make a website user friendly, intuitive, make appropriate changes to improve online traffic, improve the internet presence, and usability for a determined target audience.


Psychiatric Practice.
Dr. Du Mont is the Medical Officer at the Puerto Rican Family Institute and the Medical Director of Inwood Community Services in New York City, and he was an Assistant Clinical Professor in Psychiatry at Columbia University and Columbia Physicians and Surgeons School of Medicine for 17 years. He was also an Assistant Attending at the New York Presbyterian Hospital until September 2014 and from August 2009 to December 2012 at the St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital Center. Previously he was the Medical Director of the Tavares' Mental Health Clinic of the New York Presbyterian Hospital from 1997 to 2009.


Clinical expertise:
Psychotherapy & psychopharmacology for children, adults, adolescents and for substance abuse problems.


Community and administrative psychiatry:

With managerial experience as both in hospital and professional organization settings. He is available to treat mental problems in adults, in children and in adolescents. The psychiatric services are provided using an medical and behavioral integrated approach.

Business experience as treasurer of a non-for profit professional organization:

Outreach, fundraising and community liaison experience with minority communities and community organizations.


User Experience (UX) Design:

User Experience design encompasses all aspects of the end-user's interaction with the company or program, it's services or it's products. We are committed to meet the exact needs of the customer, high-quality experience with simplicity and elegance. 


Healthcare Digital Marketing:

Expertise in business and brand (individual and institutional) strategy, activation, retention, marketing analytics, metrics, statistics, segmentation, tracking, targeting, testing, data visualization, budgeting, planning, content strategy, email and search marketing, social media marketing, including in Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin.


Mobile Code Development for Apple devices:

Trained in code programming using swift language to create apps for Apple iPhones, iPads or Mac devices. From basic apps to be used for patients, to apps able to be used for clinical use. 


Consultation expertise in administrative psychiatry in the following areas:
Designing and delivering training programs in communication and management skills, executive assessment, leadership and performance coaching, conflict resolution, team and organization development, facilitation, executive education, process consulting, leadership in times of change, cross-cultural consultation.

This website is only for general information purposes and it's not by itself the initiation of any type of services contract.


You must make an appointment first to be seen in person.


Clinical services are based upon the use of both the so-called alternative medicine as well the so-called conventional Western medicine with our patients. The patient is always seen as a whole entity, using the concept that the body and the mind are both two sides of the same person-being.


Organizational, UX and Digital Marketing consultations are also done after discussing in person the unique needs of your agency, the needs of the staff and your particular goals having this intervention.


Dr. Du Mont recognizes that knowledge is a continuous process, always discovering something new and that the art and science of healing is by itself a creative process, where the personal goals of success, of hope and happiness are paramount objectives.

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